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In my experience health and healing can happen one many levels. You can work on a physical issue like pain using a lot of bodywork, massage and medicin without addressing the root cause or the energetic issue and therefor having to deal with one or more symptoms extendedly. By going deep, in a gentle, curious and loving way, you can get to know yourself on a mental, physical, emotional and spiritual level and make room for deep healing. 


Emotions and symptoms is the body's way of communicating with you. Whatever problem, symptom or issue you are dealing with, the treatment/work is the same. We consider the WHOLE you. Trough an in depth conversation we begin the work of connecting your mind, body and spirit using nutrition, herbs, intuitive guidance, bodywork, massage, breathing exercises and healing techniques. The Energy Healing treatment consists of pulsating massage, strokes, deep pressure and of balancing and awakening the meridians and the chakras.


My treatments are always focused on the whole of a  person - the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. These can not be separated or divided and must be treated as a whole. This means that all my offerings are a personal journey for you towards higher consciousness,  growth, health, healing and self love. As your guide this is where I will lead you. 


120 minutes // 1850,- DKK


A highly personalized treatment where we address the root cause. Includes different healing modalities such as massage, acupressure, as well as herbal and

nutritional support.

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